Monday, May 28, 2012


Rebirth. At some point in every life, reinvention is required. For the past year, I have been trying to come up with an idea that would make me completely new, completely free. A year later, I find I am still me, but with more knowledge than I could have ever expected to gain. Some welcome, some devastating. All coming together to make me more sure of who I am. So, today I announce a new venture: Rebirth, an online fiber-art exhibition that will test the limits of how people view this art form. It will start out slowly here on the blog. How will it grow? First to a webpage and then to digital and print catalogs. More details will be forthcoming in July 2012. Please let me know what you think will be great themes or topics. It will not be limited to art quilts, although that will surely be one of its starting points. Come explore new territory with me. Diane